
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

A healing treatment for physical diseases

Ubqari Magazine - October 2014

Medical advice


  • Severe backache
  • An unmatched prescription for youth
  • Withered cheeks and spoilt face
  • Knee pain treatment

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Note: Take only the recommended diet. Write concisely so that it would be easy to reply.

Severe backache: I am 52 years old. I have severe backache that is unbearable. I also have pain in my shoulders. Please recommend some easy prescription. (S. K.)

Reply: Winter Cherry (Asgandh Nagori) is a common herb. If you can’t find it, buy it from the grocer. Crush and grind it to make powder, also add brown sugar and desi ghee in equal quantity. Take one tea spoon with milk daily in the morning and evening. Insha’Allah you will completely recover within fifteen days. Make pudding with one tola winter cherry powder, two tola semolina and three tola sugar. Eat it with an empty stomach in the morning and evening. One week treatment is enough. Take diet no.2.

An unmatched prescription for youth: I am 21 years old. I have problem of sticky drops coming after urination. I suffered a lot for its medication but did not get anything except temporary cure. Please recommend a permanent treatment. (Abdul Qayyum Khan, Multan)

Reply:  I am offering you an ultimate prescription which I got from my elders. It is only Allah who heals.

Recipe: Take  green cardamom and sugar candy in equal quantity. Crush and grind well, sift  thoroughly and add brown sugar in the same quantity. Take half tea spoon in the morning and evening with an empty stomach. Insha’Allah the disease will be completely cured within two weeks. This prescription is also used to treat leucorrhea. Take diet no.1

A treatment for baldness: A friends of mine has a problem of baldness. His hair is falling rapidly and half of his head is bald. Is there any possible treatment for him? He is very upset and is tired of using different oils and shampoos. (Chaudhry Bashir Ahmed)

Reply: I have a prescription to get rid of baldness. Hopefully it will benefit your friend. Take colocynth (wild gourd) vine leaves. Crush them and squeeze in a piece of cloth to extract the juice. Apply this juice regularly on the head at night. Use fresh juice daily. Forty days’ use will grow new hair Insha’Allah.

High blood pressure and fruits: I have blood pressure; I feel giddy and keep feeling anxiety all the time. My mood remains so irritable that my close ones are now getting away from me. Please suggest me some fruit to cure this. (Zain-un-Nisa, Attock)

Reply: Take five lemons, extract their juice and add two tea spoons of sugar in it. Take this daily in the morning and evening. After one week, take once a day regularly. It is sufficient to treat high blood pressure. Take diet no.1.

Breast cancer: Respected Hakim Sahib! My sister is suffering from breast cancer. She keeps groaning with pain for the whole day and night. We cannot bear to see her in this condition. Please suggest something to relieve her pain. (Abdul Wadood, Rawalpindi)

Reply: Take camphor (Kachur) and black pepper in equal quantity and grind it well. Give two rattis with milk in the morning and evening to your sister. The pain will be removed. Take diet no.1.

Pimples on face: I have pimples, spots and freckles on my face. My complexion is not clean. Recommend some treatment. (Aisha, Karachi)

Reply: Dear daughter! Such problems are caused due to blood ailments. To get rid of this, take conch-shell slain (kushta sankh), simloo (a herb) turmeric and mango bark in equal quantity. Grind these things finely well and mix with some quality herbal cream. Apply regularly at night. Using it for four weeks would be enough. Take diet no.1.

A hepatitis C patient: Sir! I am a Hakim by profession. I have a patient suffering from hepatitis for last three years. His SGPT is too high. From medical point of view, it should be 40 but his is 970. Recommend a treatment to normalize it. (Hakim Nasir-u-Din)

Reply: To normalize the STGP, the following prescription is very effective. Grind ammonia and citric acid finely in equal quantity.  Give four rattis to the patient after morning and evening meals. Take test reports after fifteen days. Take diet no.1.

Withered cheeks and spoilt face: My first problem is that I have too much acne and scars on my face. Pus discharges from the acne and it also hurts. I have used many creams and herbs but it benefited temporarily and then worsened my face. My second problem is that my cheeks are withered. I am 19 years old and I take good diet. (Samina, Okara)

Reply: Take yellow Myrobalan (terminalia chebula), fumitory, sulfur amla and acacia gum in equal quantity.  Grind them well, strain and make small balls (bigger than the size of a bean) with the help of water. Dry these balls and take one ball in the morning and evening with water. Cook your food in desi ghee. Eat desi ghee with hot besani chapatti (bread made of wheat and gram flour). Take diet no.2.

Knee pain treatment: I am 50 years old; I have pain in my knees for last seventeen years.  Even I have to sit on the chair to offer prayer. 


I feel so much pain while moving that I cannot describe. A hundred and thirty rupees medicine is injected, it gives temporary relief. (Abd-ul-Razaq, Lahore)


Reply: Mash calotropis (rooster tree) leaves and tie them in a bundle. Dip this bundle in ghee and heat it, warmth your knees with it. Or apply ghee on calotropis leaves and tie them on your knees. Continue this treatment for forty days. Take diet no.3.


Backache and constipation: I am nineteen years old. A sticky substance discharges after urination and due to this I have backache. I also have constipation. I am tired of going through different treatments. Please suggest a permanent and easy cure. (Mohammad Yasin, Karachi)


Reply: I am telling you a very easy prescription. Bring acacia leaves, acacia beans, flowers, bark and acacia gum. Dry these things in shade and add sugar equal to the quantity of all these things. Take one tola (a table spoon) in the morning and evening after meals. Take diet no.1.


Urine problem: My urine discharges while I sneeze, cough or laugh. I offer prayers five times a day and feel very annoyed. Please suggest some remedy. My second problem is that my seven years old son has tonsils. He is very weak, recommend some treatment for him. (Mrs. Shakeel, Quetta)


Reply: Take Jawarish Zarooni (herbal medicine) six masha mixed with Post Baiza Murgh (herbal medicine) two rattis after morning and evening meals. For your son’s treatment, keep one masha piece of simloo herb in his mouth for some time. Three days’ treatment would be enough. Take diet no.1.


A treatment for high blood pressure: I have blood pressure for quite some time and I am worried about it. Recommend an economical treatment. (Mohammad Ramzan, Gujrat)


Reply: Soak five plums in one cup water for night. Mash them and sieve in the morning. Drinking this would normalize the blood pressure within two weeks. Take diet no.1.


Legs benumbed: For last two years I have pain in muscles above my left hip. My legs get benumbed. Recommend a beneficial prescription. (Imran Ahmed, Islamabad)


Reply: Grind Kera chaal or korsak herb finely and take one tea spoon in the morning with an empty stomach. Eat besni roti with desi ghee. Take diet no.2.


Gastric trouble: I have severe stomach acidity.  My appetite is very low and I feel gassiness in my stomach. Please recommend some prescription. (Ikhlaq Ahmed, Bahawalpur)


Reply: Take fennel, ginger (dry), black cardamom seeds, black pepper and salt one tola each, black salt nine masha and ammonia six masha. Grind all these things finely well and take three masha in the morning, evening and night after ever meal. Take diet no.1.


The heat of the bladder: I had jaundice. I recovered after treatment but my urine is yellowish, I feel urinary irritation and heat in my bladder. Suggest a medicine. (Hafeez-ur-Rahman, Gujranwala)


Reply: For urinary irritation and weakness of bladder, take Kushta Qalai one masha along with Sherbat Bazoori in the morning and evening for one month. Take diet no.1.


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